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Lisa Carreiro

Lisa  Carreiro
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    Meet Lisa Carreiro, a distinguished and dedicated full-time real estate professional. With a passion for helping clients achieve their dreams, Lisa is renowned for her responsiveness and open lines of communication, ensuring that every client feels heard and supported throughout the entire real estate process. As a savvy negotiator, Lisa possesses a keen ability to navigate the intricacies of the real estate market, securing the best possible deals for her clients. Her commitment to excellence has been recognized consistently, as evidenced by her prestigious Circle of Excellence award from the Greater Providence Board of Realtors, an honor she has received each year consecutively since 2015. Beyond her accolades, Lisa brings a wealth of expertise to the table as a Pricing Strategy Advisor. Her strategic approach to pricing ensures that properties are positioned optimally in the market, maximizing value for sellers and providing advantageous opportunities for buyers. Lisa is a lifetime resident of Southeastern Massachusetts, making her your local market expert. One of Lisa’s standout strengths lies in her specialization in new construction. With an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of this niche, she assists clients in navigating the exciting process of building and buying new homes. Her knowledge of the latest trends, construction processes, and local regulations makes her an invaluable resource for those looking to embark on the journey of creating their dream home. In the competitive world of real estate, Lisa Carreiro stands out as a professional who not only meets but exceeds expectations. With a track record of success, a commitment to her clients, and a passion for the industry, Lisa is your trusted partner in achieving your real estate goals.



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